You make me sick: Gutfeld unloads on college students making demands (video)

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld of “The Five” fulminated against students who want their loans to be forgiven in a tirade. Gutfeld began saying: “Why send your kids to college, your loving kids to college, when they return turning against you and biology? You’re actually ruining brains. … All of those people paying off student loans— they probably worked nights to do it. This is a slap in their face.”

“This is like being in a restaurant and ordering your dessert and then eating it and paying for it and then suddenly they announce a pie-eating contest,” Gutfeld added. “You’re getting American taxpayers to pay for a gift that benefits Democrats who don’t need it. So this isn’t like welfare or unemployment or food stamps. It’s a gift you and I pay that is given to upper-class white art history majors who can then spend that money they would’ve spent on the loan on holidays in the Hamptons,” he continued.
“So my solution is if you wanna forgive that stupid debt, take it from the colleges. Since they’ve tripled the tuition the last thirty years and their education sucks, do not take it from us, ‘cause I swear to God if you do you will see a real insurrection,” he said, offering his own suggestion.
“You’re actually stealing money; you’re stealing money from people and giving it to people. This is redistribution; but it’s not even going to the poor,” Gutfeld opined, before turning to President Biden: “He’s actually taking money from people to bribe people to vote for him. This is a moral wrong. This is the worst thing. It gets me so mad. Every time I think about this it makes me so angry ‘cause it’s actual theft, and they think they can get away with it by saying, ‘It’s only ten grand here, and it’s only this, oh, these students they can’t afford it.’”
Oh, they can afford it. If you can afford a car payment you can afford your college payment. It’s roughly the same; the average is like $250-270. Give it to the truck drivers that pay off their payments. You dope. So disgusting. You make me sick,” he added.
“And I don’t even know who I’m talking to,” Gutfeld concluded. Gutfeld also ripped Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in early May, for championing student loan cancellation, calling her an “entitled sponge.”
Gutfeld harshly criticized Democrats in December 2021, calling for student loan debt cancellation, snapping, “You know what? Screw you! No one has to pay your damn debt! That’s on you! It is not a moral obligation on anybody for the decisions that you made.”
“Why don’t we do car loan debt? … that’s more for the working class than for these overeducated, over-caffeinated idiots. But you put that on taxpayers, I will join the Army because you ain’t making me pay for your stupid [debt],” he said.
Photo: Youtube video screencap

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