12 demands Pelosi wanted in relief bill

When phase three of the current relief bill passed, it was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who admitted she didn’t get everything she wanted as she went along with a bill that basically let her down. However, that’s a good thing, because many of the demands that Democrat Pelosi had in her bill were completely unrelated to the pandemic we’re dealing with.

Speaker Pelosi is pushing for even more of her leftist demands in phase four of the relief bill, many of which might be repeats of what she already asked for the first time – and many of them have nothing to do with the pandemic.

Here’s what Nancy Pelosi wanted the last time around, and as you can see, most of it was denied.

  • Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines receiving coronavirus assistance funds.

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Student loans payments up to $10,000

This could help students as they’re out of work, which makes sense.

  • Same-day voter registration, early voting, voting by mail, and ballot harvesting

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Preserving collective bargaining for unions

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Expansion of wind and solar tax credits

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Requirements for federal and corporate racial diversity data

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • A Post Office bailout

They might need help, so this could be acceptable.

  • Automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Restricting colleges from providing information about citizenship status

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • Funds for Planned Parenthood

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • $300,000,000 for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which produces PBS to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.”

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • $278,000,000 for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • $500,000,000 for the Institute for Museum and Library Services

This is not related to the pandemic.

  • $35,000,000 for the John F. Kennedy Center

This is not related to the pandemic. They received $25,000,000 and within hours had fired their musicians. Now Republicans are trying to get this money rescinded.

It’s important to keep an eye on her next requests. Many critics refer to Pelosi’s demands as “pork” because she’s simply stuffing a bill with fatty pet projects that are not related to the actual issue at hand.

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