Keith Olbermann and other ‘journalists’ suspended from Twitter

Elon Musk just keeps following through on his promise to make Twitter, and this world, a better place. Thursday evening the Twittersphere went bazzerk over Elon Musk’s newest “adjustment” of twitter as several prominent journalists who cover Twitter and the new CEO were suspended over doxxing Musk’s private jet.

Here is more from The Hill;

“Ryan Mac from The New York Times, Drew Harwell from The Washington Post, Donie O’Sullivan from CNN, Micah Lee from The Intercept, Matt Binder from Mashable, independent journalists Aaron Rupar and Tony Webster and political commentator Keith Olbermann all appear to have had their accounts suspended.

The series of suspensions came on the heels of Twitter’s decision to suspend Mastodon’s official account. The social media platform has arisen as a potential alternative Twitter in the wake of Musk’s chaotic takeover of the company.

Several of the suspended journalists had recently covered Musk’s dispute with Jack Sweeney, who ran a Twitter account that tracked the movements of the billionaire’s jet. That account was suspended on Tuesday, despite Musk’s vows not to ban it just weeks before. Sweeney’s personal account was also suspended.

In response to several tweets about the suspensions, Musk suggested that the journalists were removed for violating the platform’s rules against doxxing.”

These journalists where all suspended for putting Elon Musk and his family in clear and present danger since he’s taken over the President Trump’s spot and replaced him as enemy number one to the far left.

After the many threats, and even having people follow and even go as far as intimidating the car which carried Musk’s 2 year old toddler a few nights ago can anyone really be surprised the man had to take these actions over journalists who should know better than this? And let us not forget these are the same “journalists’ who day in and day out ignore the entire Hunter Biden Laptop saga and pretend Hunter Biden doesn’t even exist.

Glad to see Musk taking precautions for his safety, and lets all hope and pray he and his family remain safe.

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