Florida activist asks to lead SATANIC prayer after praying football coach is victorious in Supreme Court

A South Florida political activist and artist addressed Broward County high school, putting in a request to lead a Satanic prayer at one of its football games after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed a high school football coach to do the same at the 50-yard line.
The founder of Mount Jab Church of Mars activist group, Chaz Stevens, gave a request to Broward County Schools to allow him to lead a prayer during a football game, a Satanic one at that.
“I want to give a prayer at the 50-yard line at my alma mater,” he mentions. “I assume they’re going to tell me to kiss off. This all started when the U.S. Supreme Court, aka the ‘American Taliban,’ sided in favor of a high school coach in Bremerton, Washington, and now he is allowed to give his prayer after the game.”
Justice Neil Gorsuch stated, “The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike.”
Also, Gorsuch mentioned that the coach “prayed during a period when school employees were free to speak with a friend, call for a reservation at a restaurant, check email, or attend to other personal matters” and “while his students were otherwise occupied.”
He continued, “Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic – whether those expressions take place in a sanctuary or on a field, and whether they manifest through the spoken word or a bowed head.”
Besides Broward County high school, Stevens also talked to Bremerton School District about getting permission regarding his unconventional prayer, said the report.
“There’s been no word back from them on that,” Stevens mentions.
The artist mentioned in a news release, “I’m old enough to remember when the separation of Church and State was a cherished constitutional concept here. Now it seems, ‘the hell with facts,’ they say – tossing aside our established laws like some dirty laundry in their lustful eagerness for religious expression.”
This was not Stevens’ first quirky “performance art,” as he is well known for his satirical endeavors.
When Nativity was put on display at the state Capitol building in 2013, Stevens’ holiday exhibit representing Festivus – a made-up holiday ripped from the famous 90s sitcom “Seinfeld” – got permitted in Tallahassee.
The pole was built by Stevens using a PVC pipe and empty beer cans. His fake holiday appeals to people to celebrate with an “airing of grievances,” where their past year’s issues could be shared and discussed.
“My message is always wrapped in humor. It makes me laugh, and I do some beautiful art. It’s all wrapped in my art,” Stevens mentions. “My art is wrapped in activism, and it makes me happy.”

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