Crooked couple with connections: Jesse Watters risks career to take on ‘Clinton Dynasty’

Fox News host Jesse Watters describes the corruption behind the ‘most famously crooked couple’ in the United States, Bill and Hillary Clinton, on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’ Watters would not hold back in his criticism of the Clinton family and their allegedly crooked connections, especially now that attorney Michael Sussmann was found not guilty of lying to prosecutors in charges brought forth by special counsel John Durham. Watters has been hoping the ‘Clinton Dynasty’ could come to an end with this trial, but no such luck.
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Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady and loser of the 2020 presidential election to Donald Trump, has a long list of troublesome issues surrounding her and husband Bill Clinton’s career.
Jesse Watters spoke out against Hillary Clinton, specifically, back in February when he called her out for scandals as John Durham was releasing information before the Sussmann trial.

Watters said: “Hillary broke into a presidential candidate’s computer server – and a sitting president’s computer server – [in order to spy] on them. There, her hackers planted evidence, fabricated evidence connecting Trump to Russia, then fed that doctored material to the feds and the media. At first, she just did this to distract from her own email scandal…

“But then, when Trump beat her, she used this hoax as an excuse for losing. This launched a criminal investigation aimed at taking down a sitting president. Hillary Clinton broke the law to frame Trump as a Russian traitor. The media, the so-called umpires of our democracy, went along with the frame job. For years, they backed up whatever lies Hillary was spewing about Donald Trump…

“The media failed to police Hillary, the dirty cop of politicians, as she pushed an insurrection. The left loves to memorialize Jan. 6 as an attack on our democracy. But if that’s true, then what’s this?” Watter said. “The Russia hoax and the three-year Mueller investigation did more to undermine faith in our democracy than Jan. 6.
“This is a level of corruption not seen in American history. This is more brazen than the Watergate break-in. Hillary’s hackers broke in, planted evidence, then got the feds to try throwing a president out of office. Isn’t it time she faced the consequences? Has the time finally come? Are we witnessing the end of the Clinton dynasty?
For example, this connection does not particularly tie into the Clinton’s directly, but one of the juror’s on the Michael Sussmann trial has a child on the same sports team as Micheal Sussmann himself. That connection exists according to Fox News and many critics of the jury wanted that jury member removed from the trial in hopes to eliminate the potential connection that could be made, even through the high school students.
A request was made for a mistrial in the Clinton Campaign lawyer’s case, on account of the students attending the same high school and a connection being potentially present, but the judge denied it, according to reports.
A judge refused to grant a mistrial Thursday sought by former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann — and also let a woman remain on the jury after she revealed her daughter plays on a high school sports team with the defendant’s daughter.
Federal Judge Christopher Cooper rejected defense arguments that testimony by former Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias on Wednesday had poisoned the jury against Sussmman, who’s charged with a single count of lying to the FBI.
“I’m going to deny the motion for a mistrial to the extent one has been made,” Cooper said before the jury entered the  courtroom.
Critics can only speculate if Hillary Clinton or anyone she knows was able to form a connection with the judge or jury during the Michael Sussmann trial.
The jury found the Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman, not guilty of making a false statement to the FBI back in September of 2016 when he claimed he wasn’t working on behalf of any clients while he tried to bring information that suggested a covert communication was going on between the Trump Organization and the Alfa Bank of Russia.
Jim Jordan reacted to the Michael Sussmann trial verdict, accusing Hillary Clinton of having false information taken to the press and FBI in hopes to control and spread a false narrative.

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