Peter Doocy confronts White House press sec over Biden visiting Buffalo but not Waukesha, she struggles to answer

President Joe Biden’s new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was confronted face-to-face about Biden’s failure to visit Waukesha after a horrendous crime was committed. It was announced that Joe Biden would visit Buffalo after the mass shooting occurred, which made people wonder why he never cared to visit Waukesha.
WATCH Karine Jean-Pierre struggle to come up with a decent answer:

Jean-Pierre’s answer was basically no answer and more of a deflection because she simply did not know what to say. Jean-Pierre could have been honest and said she doesn’t know why Joe Biden didn’t visit Waukesha, but instead, she rambled on with a non-answer.
Biden made a very brief statement about the incident in Buffalo, as posted on the White House website:
“Tonight, we grieve for the families of ten people whose lives were senselessly taken and everyone who is suffering the physical and emotional wounds of this horrific shooting. We are grateful for the bravery of members of law enforcement and other first responders who took immediate action to try to protect and save lives. The First Lady and I are praying for the victims and their families, and hearts all across this country are with the people of Buffalo.
We still need to learn more about the motivation for today’s shooting as law enforcement does its work, but we don’t need anything else to state a clear moral truth: A racially motivated hate crime is abhorrent to the very fabric of this nation. Any act of domestic terrorism, including an act perpetrated in the name of a repugnant white nationalist ideology, is antithetical to everything we stand for in America. Hate must have no safe harbor. We must do everything in our power to end hate-fueled domestic terrorism.”
AP reported on his visit to Buffalo, providing the following information regarding things Joe Biden said while there:

Speaking to victims’ families, local officials and first responders, Biden declared that America’s diversity is its strength, and warned that the nation must not be be distorted by a “hateful minority.” He promised to “expose” those who promote hateful ideology.

“The American experiment in democracy is in danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime,” Biden said. “It’s in danger this hour. Hate and fear being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America but who don’t understand America.”

He pledged, “In America, evil will not win, I promise you. Hate will not prevail, white supremacy will not have the last word.”

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